‘The sun with loving light…’

Dear Gaia Community

As the fourth week of the first term comes to a close, what has been constant is the warm sunny days! The sun has greeted us a few times at seven o clock in the morning as if to say: I am here to stay! Many days it seemed that the heat threatened to consume us all, yet we made it through! Whether it is by hurrying to find shade; hurrying to grab our hats or merely consuming much more water!! We have all found our way to work with what nature has given us! Watching the children adapt to this has been close to amazing. They are so resilient and find the most amazing ways to embrace what nature gives. When they have had enough they will tell you in no uncertain terms. I clearly remember one day how it was too hot to move and we all made our way to the mat at the back of the class where we remained for a good twenty minutes. Here I experienced warmth; however it was deeper warmth! It was the warmth of our first moment of togetherness as a group!

In my four weeks at Gaia I have noticed this warmth flowing within the school. I see it as a golden blanket that covers the entire school and never missing any corner or room. I feel privileged and blessed to be part of a community such as this. Every single staff member seems to carry this warmth from one end of the school to the other. As they move through the playgrounds, hallways and classrooms you feel this warmth and love as they pass you. Each morning as we say our verse in class: ‘The sun with loving light…’ I pause for a moment and think how true each and every word has come to be! This truth lies not just in the bright and golden sun so very high above us but especially in the light and warmth that comes from the home we know as Gaia!

Joy Dreyer

Class 1 teacher