I have been a Waldorf Student for 15 years. It feels like not so long ago that I was playing with wooden blocks, drawing with wax crayons and creating the most interesting birthday cards I could for my friends in Kindergarten.
I attended Gaia Waldorf School from Kindergarten through to Class Seven. My primary school teacher, Iman Erskine was a second mother to me throughout my younger years. Primary school was a time of great exploration for me. I learnt many key things about myself – who I wanted to be and what it takes to be a leader in my environment.
The key memories from my primary school years are namely The Greek Olympics, and the Medieval Festival. Both of these were amazing camps that were held at Constantia and Michael Oak Waldorf Schools respectively. The camps entailed learning about the cultures of Ancient Greece and the Medieval Period through practical experience.
My years at Gaia have left me with a few messages that I will carry for the rest of my life. I learned that there is always a way to show others kindness and that it actually is okay to acknowledge and express how I feel. The Waldorf Curriculum has never ceased to offer me an environment filled with caring teachers and classmates.
I arrived at Stellenbosch Waldorf School in January of 2012. Each year that I have been here has offered me something new – from a learning perspective and from an emotional perspective. I have had my fair share of challenges; I have tested the boundaries in my years in high school. Each time I was met with a guiding hand and an indication in the right direction, for which I am grateful. Of all the moments throughout high school, there are a few that stand out:
My Class Nine Shakespeare play was an opportunity to be bold, villainous and create an atmosphere of wonder for an audience. I grew immensely through this time, which with the benefit of retrospect; I am able to see now.
The Parzival Camp in Class Eleven was another amazing experience. This camp is a five day hike of many kilometers through a mountain wilderness. The camp featured many challenges, both emotional and physical and I was left with clarity around my ability to conquer the unknown.
Lastly we experienced the culminating event of the Waldorf Curriculum – the Class Twelve Projects. This was an opportunity for me to take the first steps in my journey that I have chosen as a Musician and Producer, and to work alongside some incredible artists. Through the process I was encouraged and supported to chase my dream and with each passing day I move ever closer toward it. No doubt I will face challenges, ups and downs but I know that I am ready.
Thank you Waldorf Education, thank you Gaia & Stellenbosch Waldorf!