Letter from Iman Erskine

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Eighteen years has flown by so quickly and with gratitude and love I wish to inform you all of the hardest decision I have ever had to make in my professional teaching career. That is saying good bye to the Gaia Waldorf School and its community. The decision has not come easily or without many sleepless nights. I will be leaving Gaia and venturing into the next chapter of my life. I would hope you all can understand this difficult decision of mine and support me in this.
It is with sadness that I leave a role where I have worked for over many years and built so many unforgettable memories. The school and the parents have been a huge part of myself and my family’s life and I thank you dearly for that.
I will step away from the school with so many enjoyable and sometimes challenging memories but always know it as a place where I felt supported, loved and a place I could call home.
I would like to extend a huge thank you to all of the admin staff and the Board of Trustees in all they do for the school. I know Gaia will grow from strength to strength.
Most importantly thank you to all the teachers in being so understanding and supportive. I have learnt so much through all of your guidance and mentorship throughout my teaching career and I hold it as being invaluable.
I will still be a part of Gaia and will strive to build upon the community spirit wherever I may find myself. I see this next chapter of my life as not a final goodbye but still being associated with the school and will keep in touch. I will always remember my time at Gaia with great fondness. I wish the entire staff, children and parents every success in your future endeavours, you all will be sadly missed and never forgotten.
To all the children who crossed my path – “All the adventures, great moments and difficult times have helped us create, not just a class, but a home, a friendly and safe environment we all felt happy to be part of. Each of you have given their best, each of you have worked really hard throughout the years. I can’t find the words to describe how proud I am of all of you.”
I will always remember my time at Gaia with great fondness. I wish the entire staff, children and parents every success in your future endeavours, you all will be sadly missed and never forgotten.
Iman Erskine