This Saturday we all came together to fabulously manifest our most anticipated fundraising event for our School Community, Phew!!!!
For weeks and months before, excitement builds up, as various preparations are made for the famous “Spring Fayre”. This is of course a sobering experience, for parents and teachers alike, who do the groundwork to ensure that the day runs smoothly. The children’s eyes light up at the memory of the last Fayre and the expectation of what lies ahead for the new Spring Fayre.
The vibe of a Waldorf Fayre is really authentic and as far as public events and fayres go, Gaia Waldorf Spring Fayre stands over and above others for good old clean family fun. With each year we strive to broaden what is offered at the fayre and improve the overall experience. We are immensely grateful to our team of talented Parents and Teachers, crafters who so lovingly and devotedly create all manner of excellent quality handmade toys and items, which were so beautifully displayed in the “Craft Shop”
The Food Hall kept people buzzing too, and from the food hall and courtyard, delightful munching was heard. Both new games and old favourites kept the children happily occupied and being able to choose your own prize after collecting your game stickers seemed to be a real highlight for many children. Special features such as the knife throwing, wonderful face painting added interesting variety to the mood of the day.
We would like to say a huge “Thank You” to our parents for every manner of contribution, your time and effort, food and monetary contributions all made this fayre such a huge success.
Kelly Collier
Kindergarten Teacher.