We may be young but watch this space!

When I started in my role as enrolments officer in August this year, one of my first tasks was to call up parents who applied for their children to join our school in Class 1 next year. The message to them was to be that our Class 1 is full and that their child would be put on a waiting list. Needless to say; my call was met with disappointment, anger and curtness. You see, for the first time our Class 1 for 2019 was entirely made up of children from Gaia’s own our kindergarten classes. This was never the case before. It was a sure sign that this school was growing, and parents were considering Waldorf as the best possible education one can give a child.
But a growing school, like a growing child needs to be nurtured. And over the years as the school grew it was nurtured by all who touched her. As a mere 20 year old Gaia is comparatively speaking still very young. We may sometimes find ourselves comparing our school with its older and more established sisters and unfairly so. Being young means that we make mistakes but also possess the agility to quickly move past them with renewed energy and forgiveness.
As a Waldorf parent for nearly 5 years I have been privileged to share my time and space with the most amazingly loving (but firm) teachers, committed parents, admin staff and the community who so readily supports us. We may be young but watch this space!

N Jacobs
Enrolments Officer