For weeks all Class Sevens in the Western Cape have been preparing for this event. They found their dresses and robes, practised their contributions for the festival of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere and made shields with their coat of arms depicting their ideals and goals for the future. At the dawn of their move to the high school, this festival provides the children with the opportunity to meet with other students from Waldorf schools – and there are many: Imhoff, Constantia, Michael Oak, Gaia, Dassenberg, McGregor, Stellenbosch and Hermanus Waldorf School. It is also a wonderful opportunity for those children who want to carry on with their Waldorf education to encounter their potential future classmates!
The day at Constantia was filled with many activities! The children found themselves placed into castles with children from the other schools. Together they now represented the castles of; Tintagle, Lalibela, Des-Chevaliers, Camelot and Alhambra, and participated in stick-fighting, the obstacle course, acrobatics and dancing. What fun they all had!
At the end of the day a banquet was held, and King Arthur and Queen Guinevere took places as the children entered the great hall. The knights gallantly led their ladies to their chairs and an amazing feast was served by the Constantia parents. Soon the entertainment began and the schools came forth with their colourful presentations.
The children from Gaia Waldorf School opened the performances by being the first to show their talent. The lights went off, an ultra-violet light was switched on and the almost invisible figures moved their poi along with the magical music. Their musicality was astounding and they received a big applause!
Other performances were dances, music (one with recorders and a bass lyre – very gentle and warming) and a speech choir. There were 6 children from the McGregor Waldorf School and they sang 3 songs together, one even in a round! How courageous of those very few children in front of 200 people!
Again the children from Gaia came forth and closed the evening’s performances with a beautiful chivalry dance. They were gracefully supported by the Michael Oak Class Seven recorder players and both moved and played wonderfully together.
Well done Class 7, a brilliant achievement!