Farewell from Class 7

It is quite a challenge to explain in a short editorial all the gifts that Gaia, Waldorf education and the people I’ve come into contact with through it, has given me. They are numerous and priceless. Over these seven years, the children, the parents and I have accomplished so much, we have all grown and in one way or another woven ourselves right into the fabric that is Gaia.

This unique, bold and colourful fabric that is also tarnished, frayed and worn out in places has held us together as we journeyed down the path that twelve eager and wide-eyed seven-year-olds pictured in that first assembly when I told them the story that was an image of our imminent journey together. It contained quite a few trials that we all had to face with courage and faith, there were many beautiful and sacred moments too which we had to hold in reverence and there was occasional hilarity which required laughter.

There was so much to teach and so much to learn but during all the teaching and learning we sang, laughed, cried, argued, ate, danced, hung our heads in shame and held them high with pride. We fell and stood up to walk and run again, we balanced, cooked, stitched, rowed, crocheted and threw our toys out of the cot in sheer frustration but when we recited our verse every morning we remembered that this is life, the very life of life and so mostly, we celebrated life.

As we share our memories of this incredible journey during our last few days together, knowing that things will never be the same again, I know that our threads are all connected in intricate patterns and shapes and as we journey on and out, wherever we find ourselves I know we will always remember each other with love and smile.

And so it is with love in my heart and tears in my eyes that I thank the children and the parents in my class for their trust, their support, their love and their prayers during some of the best and worst days in my life. Teaching my class and learning from them has been an incredible experience and I could never have had this without you entrusting your precious children to me so thank you, thank you, and thank you once more.

With blessings, love and light

Melanie Francis

Class 7 teacher