Gaia aims to provide an affordable Waldorf Curriculum to a broad spectrum of children that reflects the unique and diverse aspects of our South African culture.Fees can be paid by cheque, stop order or deposited directly into the Schools bank account.
Account Name: The Gaia Waldorf School Association
Bank: First National Bank
Type of account: Current account
Account no: 50161182312
Branch code: 250655
Reference: Please use your account code as reference (applications – child’s name)
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
Our dedication is to educate the whole child towards creative responsibility and freedom in an environment based on loving guidance and respect for the whole individual. And, to further the principles of education as expounded by Rudolf Steiner.
Gaia Waldorf School,
Oude Molen Village, Alexandra Road, Pinelands, Cape Town
021 447 0546
[email protected]