Gaia Educational Ethics
Reverence – We remain mindful of our focus on the development and reverence for the whole human being (mind, body and soul) and providing balanced educational opportunities with a view to promoting self-worth and empowerment.
Creativity – We emphasise the value of learning through creativity and continue to recognise the healing qualities inherent in such processes.
Diversity – We maintain diversity and inclusion throughout the school through our local and global associations and links.
Collaboration – We encourage co-operation as a guiding ethos within the school and the broader community.
Sustainability – We manage the school on simple, sound and effective business principles thereby ensuring continued growth, sustainability and success.
Staff development – We provide ongoing growth and learning opportunities for all our teachers and staff by implementing appropriate Staff Development Plans.
Relationships – We foster responsible and caring relationships between staff, parents, pupils and the wider community.
Stewardship – We act as stewards for the preservation of all life and the nurturing of what is good and beautiful in the world around us