
We launched GreatSoft Version7 in April 2005 and it was an immediate success that streamlined a lot of our customers practices.
People often say “If it isn’t broken – don’t fix it”


GreatSoft Version10 takes V7, and accelerates it to the next level.
If you are still using V7, then you read the list below of the top 10 reasons why you should be upgrading to V10.

If you have already upgraded to V10 then this list will be a great reminder of the new features that are we built into our product specifically to make your job easier and your practice more efficient!




  1. V10 has only one install onto the server, there are no more desktop installs
  • This means all machines are up to date with the latest software updates
  • No more unnecessary down-time for staff capturing time sheets
  • Saving on time not going to each machine installing software.
  1. The Dashboard view in V10 makes it easier to access certain programs like Tax and Sec, you no longer have to leave the screen to access other programs.
  2. V10 allows you the ability to either host your own database or to have it hosted by another company, or GreatSoft, this gives you the flexibility of accessing your data from anywhere. You can now either access your data internally using the intranet (not going outside of your network) or externally with a web connection.
  • This creates access to your important information from anywhere, any time.
  1. There will be no more excuses for time and disbursements not to be in and updated timeously as V10 has the ability to capture time and expenses from any mobile device.
  2. With V10, data capturing becomes even less onerous on the individual, as the data batches now sit on the server and are no longer on the individual’s machine.
  3. Document storage has never been easier as V10 has the ability to upload staff and client information directly under the staff or client name.
  • This capability will eliminate the huge storage costs related to physical paper that needs to be filed.
  • Finding documents does not mean searching through boxes or storage files anymore.
  1. V10 allows you to assign tasks to staff and send reminders to anybody including yourself.
    • This function will make sure nothing falls through the cracks, and potentially could save you millions on client penalties.
    • You can copy full email correspondence into the system and a reminder when to follow up, creating a proactive approach with your clients.
  2. All reports have been re-written into the web platform, which means that you are no longer reliant on the local machine’s process capabilities.
    • All reports can be accessed for any module in one central place.
    • The capability of marking reports as your favorite. This function will allow you run these reports after your login screen remembering your selection.
    • Taking any report to either Excel or PDF appears exactly like you see it on the screen, there is no need to edit the reports afterwards.
  3. Improved security allows for MLS (Menu Level Security) giving you full control of which staff member is allowed to see what.
  4. The Client contacts have been improved. You now only create a contact once and then attach that contact to a company in their correct capacity. This allows for better communication with your clients and no more duplicate mailers

Click on link below to find out how to upgrade to V10


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