Author: Alessandra Ceresa

Source: Business2Community

“More and more professionals are taking their work outside of the office and into the field. In a world where both clients and the consultants are highly mobile, a CRM mobile application just makes sense.”

“Good software companies, providing business-operating platforms such as CRM, must invest in mobile app versions of their software in order to keep up with the current trends. It is not enough to have just a web version anymore. The mobile application is and will continue to be the future for those on the go.”

“Buyers of CRM continue to focus on platforms that promote customer retention and enhance the customer experience, and they are increasingly interested in technologies that encourage development of customer communities and social networks”

“The use of mobile applications accomplishes just that. The ability to access and edit contacts, activities and opportunities on the go is not only an asset to any firm, but critical in today’s competitive marketplace. This software allows a firm to get even closer to their clients by providing on the go service that would otherwise be unavailable if a web platform was the only option.”

If you are an accountant or time based professional, then it is time to make that smart-device phone live up to its name. Make the device become a part of your everyday life and make it work for you.

If your company does not already have a CRM platform then there is no better time than now to jump onboard. When searching for a CRM system, make sure that they are available on any device, from anywhere, at any time – as this will be crucial for maximum productivity and efficiency for you and your firm.

Remember, when choosing a CRM platform and its mobile application, to make sure that they are automatically synced. No matter where you update the information, whether it is your smartphone, tablet or computer, you should be able to access the most up to date information.”

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