An Accountant dies and goes to Heaven. He reaches the pearly gates and is amazed to see a happy crowd all waving banners and chanting his name.
After a few minutes St. Peter comes running across and says, “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to greet you personally. God is looking forward to meeting such a remarkable man as yourself.”
The accountant is perplexed. “I’ve tried to lead a good life, but I am overwhelmed by your welcome,” he tells St. Peter.
“It’s the least we can do for someone as special as you are. Imagine, living to the age of 123 and still looking so young,” says St. Peter.
The man looks even more dumbfounded and replies, “123 years old? I don’t know what you mean. I’m only 40.”
St. Peter replies, “But that can’t be right – we’ve seen your time sheets!”
And the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion?
A mugger stops a guy on the street at gunpoint.”Give me all your money”, he says. The muggee isindignant. “You can’t do this,” he yells. “I’m anIRS agent. “In that case,” says the mugger, “give me all MY money.”
It’s Halloween and when the man answers his door, there’s a well-dressed young boy there wearing a suit and matching tie, who says “Trick or treat”. The man’s a bit confused so he asks the boy what he’s dressed up as. “I’m an IRS agent”, says the boy, and with that, he snatches 40% of the candy, and leaves without saying thank you.
The stockbroker received notice from the IRS that he was being audited. He showed up at the appointed time and place with all his financial records, then sat for what seemed like hours as the accountant pored over them.
Finally the IRS agent looked up and commented, “You must have been a tremendous fan of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.”
“Why would you say that?” wondered the broker.
“Because you’ve made more brilliant deductions on your last three returns than Sherlock Holmes made in his entire career.”
An accountant and a lawyer were laying on a beach in Hawaii sipping mai tai’s. The lawyer started telling the accountant how he came to be there. ” I had this downtown property in Memphis that caught fire and after the insurance paid off, I came here.” The accountant said, “I had a downtown property, too, in Miami. It got flooded so here I am with the insurance proceeds.” The lawyer took another sip of his mai tai, and then asked in a puzzled voice, “How do you start a flood?”