

You can now remove all of the stress and financial risk associated with SARS auditing one of your clients – with South Africa’s most comprehensive Fee Protection Insurance for Accountants.

This very affordable policy is paid for by your clients and covers your audit fees and all of your professional costs when SARS decides to audit them – from the start of the audit – right up until the matter is finally resolved.

The policy also gives you access to a strong panel of tax accountants and tax lawyers, and should your audit get escalated, it even covers legal and accounting representation.

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GreatSoft – Assist Management Services (Pty) Ltd is a registered financial services provider FSP no. 13271 has entered into an agreement with Tax Risk Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd, registration number 2014/086896/07 which is a juristic representative of The Hollard Insurance Company Limited, an authorized financial services provider ,and via this agreement able to offer our clients the most cost effective product available.