Create a completely secure, paper-free document storage and management solution – it will change your life!

Imagine your entire document library is secure and easily accessible to all your staff as well your clients.

Imagine you have a proper audit trail on all your documents and that they are stored and managed in intuitive folder structures.

Imagine collaborating with your clients on specific documents, such as Tax Returns.

Imagine a solution that offers a secure client portal that integrates seamlessly with your GreatSoft CRM system.

GreatSoft’s Secure Document Management System will turn all of this into a reality!


Our paper-free Document Management System will offer you:

  • Seamless integration with GreatSoft CRM
  • Integration with most other leading global CRM systems
  • Massive time savings
  • Access to all your documents from anywhere, anytime and on any device
  • A Centralized repository where all client information can be instantly viewed
  • Digital document signing
  • Fully integrated into Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook)
  • Peace of mind that your data is safe and secure, no matter what happens to your file server.

Ask us for more information on how we can help your practice to become Paperless!

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