Accounting Humour

This month we collected some funny interview stories.

Frozen “I had a video interview for a very large company. The computer would ask a question and record your answer to send to management. You had 30 seconds, no more no less, to answer the question. For one question, I ran out of things to talk about so I decided to stand really still and not blink for 15 seconds to make it look like the video froze…”

Under dressed

“I had a video interv iew with a tech company. So naturally, I only put a shirt and a tie on, comfortably sitting in my boxer briefs in my living room. Half way through the interview, they gave me some tasks to do, so I had to go and ge t a piece of paper and a pen. I got up, walked all the way to the other side of my room, came back, and sat down at the computer. Only after I finished talking to them I realised they’d seen everything.”

Camel Toe Woe

During an interview they said they were going to do word association. It’s where they say a word and you say the first thing that comes to your mind. For example… They said fruit, I said apple. They said transportation, I said car. Everything was going rather well until they said camel and instantly… Toe was my response. Yes… I said Camel Toe in the interview. Then tried to correct myself and say hump quickly. One of the men was trying not to laugh but the other didn’t find it entertaining. I, however, thought it was hysterical and started laughing. I excused myself and left the interview. Let’s just say, I never received a call back but took a great story away with me.”

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