Tax Workflow Software
GreatSoft’s Tax Calculator and Tax Workflow Management Software for accountants is a high-performance tax administration system that will that will assist you in preparing and submitting tax returns to SARS for your clients.
GreatSoft tax calculator is browser-based, which means you can login to your secure portal and manage your clients’ tax affairs from anywhere on any device. Automatic backups and updates are done for you, giving you the peace of mind that your data is safe and compliant. Our built-in tax workflow allows you to submit your annual and provisional tax returns in bulk. Our tax management software for accountants is fully integrated with GreatSoft CRM and other modules, like Secretarial and Billings, saving you between 30 to 60 minutes per taxpayer.
GreatTAX Modules

Tax Compliance
GreatSoft TAX interfaces directly with SARS eFiling allowing you to request prepare and submit your Provisional Tax (IRP6) returns, Individual Tax Returns (ITR12), Companies Tax returns (ITR14) and Trust Tax returns (ITR12T) with integrated peer to peer approvals with automated alerts.
Individual Tax Calculator
The GreatSoft ITR12 Tax Calculator for Individuals downloads taxpayer details and IRP5 information directly from SARS eFiling
Corporate Tax Calculator
The GreatSoft ITR14 Tax Calculator allows you to Calculate your Corporate Tax and submit returns directly to SARS eFiling
Trust Tax Calculator
The GreatSoft ITR12T Tax Calculator allows you to capture and calculate tax for a trust and submit returns directly to SARS e-Filing
Provisional Tax
GreatSoft Provisional Tax interfaces directly with SARS eFiling allowing you to request prepare and submit your Provisional Tax (IRP6) returns individually or in bulk
eFiling Automation
The eFiling Automation utility allows for automatic processing and downloading of SARS Correspondence

Why you need GreatSoft’s tax workflow & calculator

- Download Assessments and SARS correspondence manually or via Automation
- Record and manage tax payments, interest and penalties entries
- Manage returns across multiple offices, partners and managers and Jurisdictions
- Wide selection of customizable reports which can be exported to PDF, Excel or Word
- Built-in workflow allows for automatic tracking of returns and statuses
- Automated email alerts providing timely information and reminders
- Save time through bulk processing
- Meet SARS deadlines
- Improve relationship with your clients
- Automation and auto import of data instead of manual capturing
Tax Compliance
Tax Compliance allows you to manage and track all aspects of your client’s personal income tax. From Submissions of Tax Returns to tracking queries with SARS, GreatSoft Tax Compliance is designed for the modern professional practice.
Assessments (IT34) and other SARS Correspondence like Verification Letters can be downloaded in bulk and imported into the system for further actioning. From a powerful Query and Objection management tool, to capturing payments for account reconciliation with SARS, automated reminders can be set up to ensure that all your important alerts land on your desk at the right time, and that no queries or omissions slip through the cracks.
SARS assessments once imported into GreatSoft, can be compared automatically to the Tax Return record and differences highlighted to the relevant parties involved for follow up.
The Global Billing function allows you to bill for any Tax process, and fees are automatically generated and billed for every task performed.
Individual Tax Calculator
The GreatSoft ITR12 Tax Calculator for Individuals downloads third party data for taxpayers that includes IRP5 certificate, Retirement Annuity and Medical information directly from SARS e-Filing. The ITR12 Tax Calculator also calculates the section 89quat Interest, paragraph 20 interest for taxpayers, tax payable for farmers and estate late returns. This information can easily be reviewed and updated on the system. Once downloaded, the returns can be completed electronically and directly submitted to SARS e-Filing, individually or in bulk.
The Tax Calculation and ITR report pack can be printed for review and sent to the client. Reviewer workflow levels can be set up where necessary for added security and automated alerts throughout the Tax Return life cycle.

- Download and refresh third party data from SARS e-filing seamlessly
- Accurate calculation of tax liability or refund
- Ability to complete estate late tax returns
- Workflow implementation on different levels of the review chain across multiple complexities
- Wide selection of customizable reports which can be exported to PDF, Excel or Word
- Eliminate the need for manual spreadsheet calculations
- Built-in workflow allows for automatic tracking of returns and statuses
- Automated email alerts can be set up for reviewer workflow, SARS correspondence received, or assessment differences identified
- Save time by doing processing in bulk
- Meet SARS deadlines
- Improve the relationship with your clients

- Request, prepare and submit Corporate Tax returns individually or in bulk
- Accurate calculation of tax liability or refund
- Submission of PDF Annual Financial Statements and other supporting documents or schedules
- Generate and send out Tax reports and letters
- Workflow implementation on different levels of the review chain across multiple complexities
- Wide selection of customizable reports which can be exported to PDF, Excel or Word
- Eliminate the need for spreadsheet calculations
- Built-in workflow allows for automatic tracking of returns and statuses
- Automated email alerts can be set up for reviewer workflow, SARS correspondence received, or assessment differences identified in each tax return
- Save time through bulk processing
- Meet SARS deadlines
- Improve the relationship with your clients
Corporate Tax Calculator
The GreatSoft ITR14 Tax Calculator allows you to calculate your Corporate Tax and submit returns directly to SARS eFiling. The ITR14 Tax Calculator caters for submission of Small Business, Medium to Large, Body Corporates, Dormant Companies and Micros businesses. Once captured the return can directly submitted to SARS eFiling, individually or in bulk. The Financial Statements and supporting documents can also be uploaded and submitted to e-Filing. The ITR14 Tax Calculator also calculates the section 89quat Interest and paragraph 20 interest for taxpayers. The Tax Calculation and ITR report pack can be printed for review and sent to the client. Reviewer workflow levels can be set up where necessary for added security.
Trust Tax Calculator
The GreatSoft ITR12T Tax Calculator allows you to capture and calculate tax for a trust and submit returns directly to SARS e-Filing. The ITR12T Tax Calculator caters for the submission of inter-vivos, testamentantary, collective investment scheme, special trusts and non-resident trusts. Once captured the return can be completed electronically and directly submitted to SARS e-Filing, individually or via bulk processing. The Tax Calculation and ITR report pack can be printed for review and sent to the client. Reviewer workflow levels can be set up where necessary for added security.
- Request, prepare and submit Trust Tax returns individually or in bulk
- Accurate calculation of tax liability or refund for each trust
- Submission of PDF Annual Financial Statements and other supporting documents or schedules
- Generate and send out Tax reports and letters to trustees
- Workflow implementation on different levels of the review chain across multiple complexities
- Wide selection of customizable reports which can be exported to PDF, Excel or Word
- Eliminate the need for spreadsheet calculations
- Built-in workflow allows for automatic tracking of returns and statuses
- Automated email alerts can be set up for reviewer workflow, SARS correspondence received, or assessment differences identified in each tax return
- Save time through bulk processing
- Meet SARS deadlines
- Improve the relationship with your clients

- Global utilities allowing for bulk creation and requesting of returns
- Customizable reports showing key information needed for calculations
- Bulk letter generation and distribution by Partner / Manager / InCharge
- Document upload facility for supporting document storage
- Built-in workflow allows for automatic tracking of provisional returns and statuses
- Save time through automation of manual processing
- Global calculations done by the click of a button
- Bulk submissions of returns completed and flagged ready
Provisional Tax Calculator
GreatSoft Provisional Tax interfaces directly with SARS eFiling allowing you to request prepare and submit your Provisional Tax (IRP6) returns individually or in bulk. Global Calculation and Global Letters are also a standard feature in GreatSoft.
eFiling Automation
The eFiling Automation utility allows for automatic processing, submission of returns and downloading of SARS Correspondence. This clever time-saving application runs in the background, retrieving and updating communication from SARS and submitting returns flagged for submission.
Instead of manually downloading correspondence the utility checks what correspondence has been issued from SARS and downloads the PDF Assessments, letters and notices into the GreatSoft database, automatically importing the assessment figures and updating the status of submitted returns.

- Automation of SARS eFiling processes for Income and Provisional Tax
- Download of assessments and other SARS Correspondence
- Auto-import of assessment detail for analysis of assessment vs tax return result
- Automated email alerts for SARS Correspondence received and assessment differences identified
- Built-in workflow allows for automatic tracking of returns and statuses
- Automated email alerts providing timely information
- Save time through automation of manual processing

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