Bruce's Banter
Bruce Morgan thinks he has the best job in the world. He knows a lot about helping time based CRM practitioners become more efficient and profitable and is passionate about showing them how to make more money by using appropriate technologies. He is CEO of GreatSoft (Pty) Ltd, a world class cloud based business, an Endeavor Entrepreneur and the winner of the FNB Business Innovations Award 2015.

Bruce Morgan, CRM opinion leader.
CEO of GreatSoft (Pty) Ltd
Download a Review of a Tax Dispute Resolution Flowchart for Easy Reference!
From our colleagues at GreatSoft Financial Services, here is a “must have” download! For all Accountants, Auditors and Tax Practitioners – here is an easy to read flowchart that reviews the tax dispute resolution process that you can download as an easy reference in understanding tax dispute procedures.
GreatSoft Client’s Internal Servers Need to be Updated with .NET FRAMEWORK 4.7.2
In order to ensure that our software is hosted on a secure platform, the internal server hosting Internet Information Services (IIS) will need to be updated with .NET Framework 4.7.2. Please refer to the Microsoft .NET Framework system requirements page for information about your server operating system or contact our support team for assistance. .Net Framework
Procedural error by SARS let’s a taxpayer off the hook
We often hear about procedures not being followed correctly by SARS, commonly known as due process. But less often about taxpayers’ successfully contesting a decision made by SARS when there are errors in procedure. The fact is that errors ARE made by SARS which can result in the taxpayer’s re-assessed tax bill being invalidated – in other words, thrown out.
South African Accounting firms can now create additional income streams & grow their client base
As an accounting firm or practice, one of the ways in which you can grow your business is to create an additional income stream by becoming a Payroll Bureau Service to your existing clients. A good Payroll Solution should make this a reasonably easy process for a practice to manage. GreatSoft clients can now seamlessly
The best Tips & Tricks to make the most of your tax software
One of the differences between good Software – and Great Software – is the level of local after sales support and assistance available to you. At GreatSoft our entire focus is on ensuring that you – the client and end user – are making the most of the software that you are using and maximising
Accounting & Auditing Humour
A monthly selection to prove that accountants also have a sense of humour… Q: What do you call a trial balance that doesn’t balance? A: A late night! Four Laws of Accounting: 1. Trial balances don’t. 2. Bank reconciliations never do. 3. Working capital does not. 4. Return on investments never will. A True
Cloud Document Management – Does your firm need this yet?
If you are an auditing or accounting firm, take the short test below: Are your documents currently being distributed via email or a hard copy platform? Would you like to implement a solution that will allow your firm to be paper free? Would you like a document storage solution that is secure and easily accessible
Six Steps To Help Ensure Your Company Data Security
The recent data breach at Liberty Life highlighted how important it is for all firms to ensure that they have the best possible data security measures in place. This could happen to any accounting or auditing firm, regardless of their size, if they don’t have some basic security protocols in place. Protecting your firms data